a flock of sheep or a herd of sheep

a flock of sheep or a herd of sheep

Boy herding a flock of sheep, India; a classic example of the domestic herding of animals Wildebeest at the Ngorongoro Crater; an example of a herd in the wild A herd is a social grouping of certain animals of the same species, either wild or domestic. Th

相關軟體 Flock 下載

Flock是另一個好用的瀏覽器。剛開始的Flock跟火狐是用相同的核心,因此操作方式會與火狐有些相似,但近來年,改成與 Google Chrome相同的核心,速度變快許多。其中最大的特色是可以整合目前最流行的社交網站,包含 FACEBOOK,Twitter,LinkedIn,YouTube等。同時操作方式跟Chrome非常相似,也會自動記錄密碼等常用網站的功能,非常好用。 ...

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  • Hello, I was wondering why goats are a herd and cows a flock? is it ... The animals most c...
    flock or herd of goats? | WordReference Forums
  • Why is a flock of sheep not called a herd of sheep? SAVE CANCEL already exists. Would you ...
    Why is a flock of sheep not called a herd of sheep?
  • Sheep can be a herd, a flock or even a mob. Go Log In Sign Up entertainment tech lifestyle...
    Is it a Herd or sheep or flock of sheep - Answers.com
  • A group of sheep is called a flock, herd or mob. Many other specific terms for the various...
    Sheep - Wikipedia
  • AI is now available at your fingertips with Respondable. Boomerang Respondable uses AI to ...
    Do you say a flock of sheep or a herd of sheep? - Quora
  • Boy herding a flock of sheep, India; a classic example of the domestic herding of animals ...
    Herd - Wikipedia
  • Thu Dec 03, 2009 18:34 pm difference between swarm, flock and herd The answers above are c...
    difference between swarm, flock and herd - English Test
  • Herd of Cows, Flock of Sheep: Adventures in Collective Nouns (Language Adventures Book) [R...
    Herd of Cows, Flock of Sheep: Adventures in Collective Nouns (Language Adventures Book): R...
  • How do sheepdogs learn how to herd sheep? Is extracting wool harmful for sheep? How much d...
    How does a herd and a flock of sheep differ? - Quora
  • What is the difference between a flock and a herd - apart from one word being used for cow...
    what is the difference between a flock and a herd - apart from one word being used for cow...
  • Flock definition, a number of animals of one kind, especially sheep, goats, or birds, that...
    Flock | Define Flock at Dictionary.com
  • 2007年2月6日 - What is the difference between swarm, flock and herd? ... A flock is a group ...
    difference between swarm, flock and herd - English-Test.net
  • A group of sheep is called a drove, flock or herd. A very large group of sheep is referred...
    What is a group of sheep called? | Reference.com
  • Sheep can be a herd, a flock or even a mob. ... Why is a flock of sheep not called a herd ...
    Is it a Herd or sheep or flock of sheep - Answers
  • Both terms are correct. A shepherd is one who herds sheep, rather than a flocker..
    Why is a flock of sheep not called a herd of sheep - Answers
  • NOOKS AND CRANNIES We have collective nouns for numbers of things; flock of sheep and herd...
    We have collective nouns for numbers of things; flock of sheep and ...
  • In BrE, it's a flock of sheep, not a herd. I have always thought that is odd because &...
    Is it correct to say a flock of sheepdeer? - UsingEnglish.com
  • Hello, I was wondering why goats are a herd and cows a flock? is it ... The animals most c...
    flock or herd of goats? | WordReference Forums
  • Why is a flock of sheep not called a herd of sheep? SAVE CANCEL already exists. Would you ...
    Why is a flock of sheep not called a herd of sheep?